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chemical tube中文是什么意思

用"chemical tube"造句"chemical tube"怎么读"chemical tube" in a sentence


  • 化学测深管
  • 化学管
  • 化学药剂管


  • Tangshan dunshi chemical tubing co . , ltd . ( henreinafter referred to as the " company " ) is a group ' s entire capital subsidiary company , which is located in tangshan new and high - tech development zone in hebei provine , with beijing , the capital city of china . in the west and with oinhuangdao , a famous and beautiful coastal city , in the east . connected to beijing - shenyang and tangshan - tianjing highwanys , the company is of very convenient road and railway transport conditions
    唐山盾石化学管材有限公司(以下简称"公司" )是河北省冀东水泥集团公司的全资子公司,地处河北省唐山市高新技术开发区,西临祖国的首都北京、东临驰名而美丽滨海城市秦皇岛,与京沈、唐津高速公路相通,公路、铁路运输十分便利。
用"chemical tube"造句  


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